Siebert Science on Patreon!

Hey everyone, I launched the Siebert Science Patreon page last week!

If you don’t know what Patreon is, it’s a way to financial support creators and receive perks in return. If you’ve benefitted from my videos or other resources and want to support my work through a monthly contribution, now you can!

I have three tiers on the Patreon, which are themed around three levels of organization in anatomy. I spent way too long on the little animations…check them out below! (along with the perks for each tier!)

  • Video study guides
  • Behind-the-scenes updates
  • Discord access
  • Benefits from previous tiers
  • Voting access for which videos I should make next
  • Your name on my website and future videos
  • Benefits from previous tiers
  • Monthly Google Meet hangouts where we talk A&P or review concepts you need to learn!

The most-requested perk was study guides to accompany my videos. I have a few made so far, and I’ll be added study guides for all new videos that I produce, plus creating some for some of my most popular videos.

Here is a sample study guide from my Digestive System video. The study guides include video notes plus practice exercises and study techniques to help you learn the content!

If you’d like more information, check out my Patreon launch video:

And here’s my fun “about me” description from the Patreon page:

Welcome to the Siebert Science Patreon!

My name is Justin, and I create videos to help people learn about the human body. The human body is awesome. Video production is awesome. You are awesome*. Needless to say, I love working on this channel. Thank you for being part of it!

I’m a high school science teacher, which makes me a lot like an enzyme. I’m used to taking big, complex topics (macromolecules) and breaking them down into simple chunks (absorbable monomers) that everyone can understand. The first ~120 videos I made were for my own students, but millions of people have seen them at this point: high schoolers, college students, medical and nursing students, and lots of life-long learners who just want to know more about how our strange and wonderful bodies work.

Of course, I’m one person. I have a full-time job and a full-time family. And making quality videos takes a ton of time and effort. By joining the Siebert Science Patreon, you not only get some great perks (video study guides, private Discord where you can ask me questions, voting on what videos to make, behind-the-scenes content, shout-outs in videos and my website, and monthly online hangouts) but you also get to be part of this channel and help millions of learners around the world learn anatomy & physiology.

You rock. Thanks for being here.


*You may wonder how I know you’re awesome even though I probably don’t know you personally. First, you found my Patreon page, which means you probably (a) love to learn about the human body and (b) are potentially interested in helping me help others learn about the human body. Second, you are a human (again, assuming here), and just being alive is stinkin’ amazing and wonderful and brief. So yeah: awesome.

So yeah! Thanks for your support, whether or not you’re able to give financially through Patreon. I appreciate you being here. Keep learning!


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